Supervisor – Konstantin Severinov, co-advisor – Michael Gelfand
Research project – Microbial bioluminescence is an emeging field of research. Current understanding of the taxonomy and content of bacterial bioluminescent groups is vague. Speaking of the reaction of bioluminescence, only basic mechanism is studied. Yet, scarce and patchy information is availiable on regulation of the reaction in particular groups of bacteria.
Thesis title – Comparative genomics analysis of the bioluminescence regulation in Vibrio spp.\ Сравнительный геномный анализ регуляции биолюминесценции у вибрионов.
Since bioluminescence has become a most commonly used labelling technique, understanding of its regulation can provide us with tools for sensing substances of interest in the environment. I am currently working on comparison of bioluminescence system encoding regions in different groups of bacteria.
Graduated from Biological department, MSU
Hobbies: Trekking, swimming, diving. Painting. Game design. Cooking.
PhD Graduate 2017
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2020
MSc student graduate 2019
Joint PhD Program with The University of Strasbourg
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student