Supervisor: Konstantin Severinov
Entry Year to Skoltech – 2013
Graduated from Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology with diploma work on the “Isolation of minor enterobacteriophages from animal feces and their characteristics» made in Laboratory of microbial viruses, Institute of Microbiology, RAS (Research group leader Dr. A. Letarov).
Research project: The mechanisms of adaptation and interference in CRISPR/Cas system against a variety of virulent phages with different strategies of infection.
In Escherichia coli, the acquisition of new CRISPR spacers is strongly stimulated by a priming interaction between a spacer in CRISPR RNA and a protospacer in foreign DNA. This phenomenon, which we refer to as “priming”, can be used for very simple and rapid construction of multiple E. coli strains capable of targeting, through CRISPR interference, any phage or plasmid of interest. Availability of such strains should allow rapid progress in the analysis of CRISPR-Cas system function against diverse mobile genetic elements.
Isolation and characterization of a novel indigenous intestinal N4-related coliphage vB_EcoP_G7C. Kulikov E, Kropinski AM, Golomidova A, Lingohr E, Govorun V, Serebryakova M, Prokhorov N, Letarova M, Manykin A, Strotskaya A, Letarov A. (2012) Virology. 426(2):93-9
Rapid multiplex creation of Escherichia coli strains capable of interfering with phage infection through CRISPR. Strotksaya A., Semenova E., Savitskaya E., Severinov K. (2015) Methods Mol.Biol.1311:147-159
Highly efficient primed spacer acquisition from targets destroyed by the Escherichia coli type I-E CRISPR-Cas interfering complex. Semenova E., Savitskaya E., Musharova O., Strotskaya A., Vorontsova D., Datsenko K.A., Logacheva M.D., Severinov K., (2016) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113:7626-7631.
Savitskaya E., Semenova E., Strotskaya A., Datsenko K., Severinov K. High throughput analysis of type I-E CRISPR system adaptation in E.coli. MSU Moscow, Russian Federation. 2013
Savitskaya E., Strotskaya A., Musharova O., Kapustin M., Severinov K.. The dynamic interaction between CRISPR/Cas system with wild type or escape targets in Esherichia coli. EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. 2013
Strotskaya A., Savitskaya E., Severinov K.. Investigation of the process of phage infection at conditions of CRISPR-Cas targeting. Institute of Microbiology, RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation. 2015
Strotskaia A., Savitskaya E., Semenova E., Morozova N., Metlytskaya A., Severinov K.. Phage infection at conditions of CRISPR-Cas targeting, Weizman institute of science, Israel. 2016
Strotskaia A., Savitskaya E., Morozova N., Severinov K.. Bioinformatic analysis of phage infection at conditions of CRISPR-Cas targeting, ITaS, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation. 2016
PhD Graduate 2017
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2019
MSc graduate 2020
MSc student graduate 2019
Joint PhD Program with The University of Strasbourg
MSc student graduate 2019
MSc student