PhD thesis: “Energy Storage Systems integrated with renewable power plants”
Mikhail received his M.S. Degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics in 2015 (with honours) from Department of Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) (Russia).
He started his research work at the “Laboratory for mathematical modeling of nonlinear processes in gas media” in MIPT and participated in several projects. In the first project “ExoMars” Mikhail carried out computer modeling of chemical processes in the high speed flows for Mars’ atmosphere. The research helped to achieve better understanding of aerothermodynamaical properties of entry vehicle during the descent, especially in some difficult points of the trajectory with maximal heat fluxes on the surface of the spaceship.
The second project was connected with prediction for laminar turbulent transition. Mikhail analyzed the particles in the atmosphere that can be a cause for laminar-turbulent transition in the real flights and developed an approach for determination of the particles that have the sufficient influence in the stability of boundary layer.
Mikhail also worked as a teacher assistant in the chair of General Physics at MIPT, where he was teaching practical courses in “Electric and Magnetic field”, “Optics” and “Theory of Waves and Oscillations” for the second-year students.
Mikhail currently is a PhD student at Skoltech in the working group of the Prof. Aldo Bischi. In particular, he is involved in the research connected with Energy Storage Systems. His research will be focused on the most promising electric energy storage (EES) technology, considering also its deployment in the Russian Federation. The research will provide a mathematical model for the selected EES technology, possibly validated with experimental data, and will estimate its technical and economic indicators. Furthermore, Mikhail will assist with teaching of the graduate course Energy Systems (Physics) and Technology.